Stock Lending and Borrowing is a great way to generate extra income with stocks that you aren't currently using for transactions. As a trader, you can borrow stocks for similar reasons - short-term profit. Settlement is quick and easy, because there is no need for physical settlement, and there is no counter party risk. Systematix, with its highly experienced team and near-instant reactions to market fluctuations, can help you as an investor or trader to help make a little extra money via SLBM.
Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB) is a scheme that is a temporary loan of securities between Lender & Borrower. SEBI has allowed all categories of investors including retail and institutional to borrow as well as lend securities. It describes the market practice whereby securities are temporarily transferred by one party (the lender) to another (the borrower) via an approved intermediary for a fee. Borrower is obliged to return them either on demand or at the end of any agreed term and also has an option to early return. Lender may recall securities at any time within normal market settlement cycle.