Stage 1: Draft Offer document
"Draft Offer document" is prepared by Issuer Company and the Book Building Lead Manager of the public issue. This document is submitted to SEBI for review. After reviewing this document either SEBI ask lead managers to make changes to it or approve it to go ahead with IPO processing.
"Draft Offer document" is usually a PDF file having information of an investor who needs to know about the public issue. It mainly contain information about the company, its business, management, risk involve in applying to this issue, company financials and the reason why company is raising money through IPO.
Stage 2: Offer Document
Once the ‘Draft Offer document' cleared by SEBI, it becomes "Offer Document". Offer Document is the modified version of ‘Draft Offer document' with SEBI suggestions.
"Offer Document" is submitted to the registrar of the issue and stock exchanges where Issuer Company is willing to list.
Stage 3: Red Herring Prospectus
Once "Offer Document" gets clearance from Stock Exchanges, Issuer Company add Issue size and price of the issue to the document and make it available to the public. The issue prospectus is now called "Red Herring Prospectus".