Hitachi Energy India Ltd
BSE Code 543187 ISIN Demat INE07Y701011 Book Value (₹) 288.95 NSE Symbol POWERINDIA Div & Yield % 0.03 Market Cap ( Cr.) 48,252.38 P/E * 478.17 EPS * 23.81 Face Value (₹) 2
* Profit to Earning Ratio
* Earning Per Share
Hitachi Energy inaugurates a new HVDC and power quality factory in Chennai Back
(09 Feb 2023)

Hitachi Energy today has inaugurated a new high-voltage direct current (HVDC) and power quality factory in Chennai. These pioneering solutions are key for growth in transmission, especially for the integration of renewables and electrical grid stability.

The new factory will manufacture advanced power electronics for HVDC Light® , HVDC Classic, and STATCOM, together with MACH™ control and protection system, the brain behind our advanced transmission and power quality solutions. It will deliver advanced solutions to support the acceleration of the energy transition, enabling Hitachi Energy to increase its production capacity.

This factory will serve both the fast growing Indian market as well as the large global demand for clean energy solutions to integrate renewables at scale and at speed that it is needed. It is the latest HVDC factory built and the world's second testing lab of power quality control solutions. It will cater to the rising number of high-voltage transmission projects in India and export to support global HVDC installations.

As electricity becomes the backbone of the future energy system, India has set the target to meet half of the total power generation from renewables by 2030. Achieving this will require the bulk transmission of clean energy over long distances and balancing the national grid for intermittencies, for which HVDC and power quality are the ideal solutions.